Note : This guide is based on the in-game guide by Square Enix on the guardian-cross game and also on the rebirth guide by leonard
The Rebirth system allows you to combine two of the same 4★ or 5★ Guardian to create a single, more powerful version of that Guardian. This guide covers the details of how the Rebirth system works.
How to Rebirth
1. Hunt or trade to collect two of the same 4★ or 5★ Guardian. The Guardian types may be different.
2. Raise both of the above Guardians to their maximum level.
3. Select your target (base) Guardian. This card's type will be preserved in the reborn Guardian.
4. Select the Guardian to be sacrificed.
5. Execute the Rebirth process. This step requires the use of 5,000 GP. If the target and base Guardians used in the Rebirth process possessed stats enhanced by magic stones, those bonuses will be retained in the reborn Guardian so long as they do not result in a value that exceeds the maximum limit allowed.
6. Reborn 4★ and 5★ Guardians will begin at level 1, but can attain levels 60 and 70, respectively.
Powerful New Abilities
Upon reaching their maximum levels, reborn Guardians will learn powerful new abilities, such as Quick Strike, Last Stand, Self Destruct, Revival and new buffs.
Advanced Guardian Types
Combining two Guardians of the same type will result in the following new, more potent types
Chaotic + Chaotic = Bold
Sexy + Sexy = Erotic
Powerful + Powerful = Berserk
Brave + Brave = Stalwart
Fast + Fast = Sonic
Intelligent + Intelligent = Wise
Cool + Any = Cool+
Ace + Any = Ace+
Advanced Types & Bonuses
* Combining Cool or Ace types will not yield new advanced types.
* The stat bonuses of advanced types exceed those given by lesser types, including Aces.
New Abilities
Limited Border Cards
The Limited cards can also be reborn and respect all the same rules as for
regular 5*
They can be reborn with non-limited version of the same Guardian
They can also be reborn by same border Guardian
They don't acquire new ability at level 70
There are no Ace Type for Limited Cards
Almighty + Non-Border = Almighty+
Mighty + Non-Border = Mighty+
Great + Non-Border = Great+
Almighty + Almighty = Almighty+
Mighty + Mighty = Mighty+
Great + Great = Great+
Special Rebirth Cards
Some special Guardians can also be reborn with another ones
Lord Of Inferno with Ifrit
Iron Maiden with Vampire Matron
Requiem Banshee with Serenade Banshee
Barbariccia with Sphinx Empress
Cagnazzo with Apsara
Rubicante with Agni
Scarmiglione with Crocell
Golbez with Thor
Pumpkin Chunkin' Titan with Titan
Banshee Witch with Serenade Banshee
Jolly Old Azi Dahaka with Azi Dahaka
Serpentress Lamia with Azi Dahaka
Christmas Banshee with Serenade Banshee
Yuletide Lich with Morrighan
Valentine Specter with Shiva
Odin with Anubis
Shinryu with Marchosias
Omega with Pandora
Siren with Kali
FFV Gilgamesh with Gilgamesh
Boon Of The Gods cannot be reborn (or gifted or traded)